The Hottest Trend in Corporate Holiday Parties

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When you think of corporate holiday parties, do you envision an evening – or an entire day – of extravagance and indulgences? Or do you imagine assembling care packages and wrapping presents for families in need? Believe it or not, more companies are choosing both, making charitable events the centerpiece of their year-end celebrations.

Here’s a little insight to this big-time trend in corporate holiday party planning.

The Rise of Charitable Events

Corporate social responsibility is nothing new. The concept has been around since the inception of industrialization, when economists labored over the responsibilities of corporations to maximize profits and pursue societal causes.

Today’s corporations, however, view social responsibility as more than, well, a responsibility. Engaging in charitable acts and making them part of the business culture is about satisfying consumer behaviors, too. According to a recent study, 68 percent of the population is willing to pay more for products and services that care about improving the local community. That, and there’s all of the feels.

Thus, charitable events are on the rise. From care packages for the military to building bikes for children, there are lots of opportunities to give back – locally and internationally. And when they’re included in corporate holiday parties, employees can get involved on a grand scale – magnifying the effort and bringing greater value to the social responsibility program.

Want to learn more about corporate charity events? Check out these 8 great ideas for your holiday parties.

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