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Give corporate tax savings a real purpose: your employees.

Reinvesting Corporate Tax Savings with Employee Wellness and Team Building

It’s no surprise that investing in employees goes a long way in acquiring and retaining top talent. Perhaps that’s why many businesses are spending their corporate tax savings on 401k contributions, cash bonuses, and minimum wage increases.

But money isn’t the only reason employees take a job or even stay with a job. In fact, the effects of more dollar signs can be short-lived, whereas employee-centric programs can have significantly greater impact.

In order for companies to create lasting effects and retain talent, they should consider redirecting corporate tax savings to employee programs focused on wellness and team building.

Here are the major benefits of doing so:

  • Greater awareness of personal health and well being
  • Improved work/life habits as a result of wellness investment
  • Stronger connections between employees
  • Increased desire to contribute and succeed in the workplace
  • More self-satisfaction with personal tasks and company as a whole

Another great part about investing your corporate tax savings in wellness and team building initiatives is they’re incredibly fun for everyone. For example, if your company has never hosted a summer picnic before, then make this the year you finally put one together (with our help, of course!). Team sports days, scavenger hunts, and charitable events are also great ways to bring your employees together.

For more ideas on team building for employee wellness, visit us online.

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