We all know picnics boost morale, increase employee engagement and say thank you to employees and their families. If you want, picnics even offer a chance to give back to a local charity. But here are the REAL Top 5 Reasons your employees want a summer outing:
- OUTSIDE! OUTSIDE! OUTSIDE! Everyone needs a cure for cabin fever. Time to forget about the Polar Vortex and enjoy the summer weather – finally!
- Who doesn’t enjoy free food and drink on the company – Eat, Drink and Be Mary!
- No Deadlines today – just time to relax and have fun!
- Beating your boss at baggo, volleyball or softball is okay at the company picnic. A little humility never hurt anyone.
- By summertime, everyone needs a paid afternoon off. Don’t pass up the opportunity to say “Thank You” to your employees and get all those millennials interacting directly with their co-workers instead of through their smart phones. Plan it right and you’ll add some real value to your company too.