Keno Kozie Associates CBB
We all know  picnics boost morale, increase employee engagement and say thank you to employees and their families.  If you want, picnics even offer a chance to give back to a local charity.  But here are the  REAL Top 5 Reasons your employees want a summer outing:
  1. OUTSIDE! OUTSIDE! OUTSIDE!  Everyone needs a cure for cabin fever.  Time to forget about the Polar Vortex and enjoy the summer weather – finally!
  2. Who doesn’t enjoy free food and drink on the company – Eat, Drink and Be Mary!
  3. No Deadlines today – just time to relax and have fun!
  4. Beating your boss at baggo, volleyball or softball is okay at the company picnic.  A little humility never hurt anyone.
  5. By summertime, everyone needs a paid afternoon off. Don’t pass up the opportunity to say “Thank You” to your employees and get all those millennials interacting directly with their co-workers instead of through their smart phones.  Plan it right and you’ll add some real value to your company too.
Visit WCF online  for summer outing ideas or contact WCF’s team of expert planners today at 773.486.7403 to learn more about planning your summer picnic. Feel free to also read  Keys to Planning Your Best Summer Outing.
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