Team Cooking Challenge

Teams work together to create a feast for the whole group or compete to prepare the best Chili, Ribs, Chicken Wings, Salsa, Guacamole, Cookies and more.  Teams are divided into groups and provided the necessary ingredients and sample recipes to create their own masterpiece.  If desired, teams are required to answer client specific trivia questions to obtain ingredients and chef tips throughout their cooking experience.  Teams present their final product to a team of judges to determine which recipe has the winning presentation and superior taste!

Cookie or cake baking and decorating contests allow all participants to take home desserts at the conclusion of the event (great for holiday parties).  In addition, depending on the time of year, grilling demonstrations are also available by professional chefs at the conclusion of the cooking events.

Team Cooking

Media/Event Benefits/ROI

  • Enhance employee morale, camaraderie and goodwill
  • Enhance relationships amongst employees
  • Enhance teamwork, group problem solving and communication skills through tasks that require creative solutions

Other Team Cooking Challenge Events

Add a twist to your Team Cooking Challenge by adding a Design-A-Food Truck Challenge.  In addition to cooking the product as a team, each team is also provided all of the necessary supplies to design and build their own Food Truck model based on the item they will be serving from the truck.  Teams work together to design and decorate their truck while preparing their food item to sell.  In addition, teams must develop a sales presentation describing why their truck design will most effectively sell their brand and services.  Trucks are judged based on a predetermined set of criteria by the client.  The food truck team with the best sales presentation, overall truck design and food presentation wins the competition.

For more information on this program, please submit a proposal online or call WCF at 773.486.7403

Request A Proposal

Other Team Building Events

mousetrap race car program
cake boss lets cut the cake challenge
Team Building for a cause

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