Scav Hunt

How a Corporate Scavenger Hunt Works

Remember the fun of a scavenger hunt when you were young? Being the first one back with an old bottle of nail polish and a stick of gum was the main objective, and the winner received a pack of baseball cards as the prize. Those were the days.

Well, we have good news.

Scavenger hunts are also a popular corporate team building activity, offering companies something completely different from the ordinary and a whole lot more fun.

To give you an example, here is how our “Mission Impossible” Scavenger Hunt works as a team building event:

  • Your company chooses the scavenger hunt destination in Chicago or the suburbs – Mag Mile, Navy Pier, Wrigleyville, Morton Arboretum, for example. (This is a great opportunity for sightseeing, too.)
  • Our team creates and organizes a 2-hour scavenger hunt for your team.
  • On the day of the event, your company is divided into teams. Each team is given a personal guide to assist them during the hunt, and receives a packet of clues to help them reach unique locations within your chosen destination.
  • For each destination, teams must complete specific missions, take fun and creative instant photographs, and collect unique items.
  • At the completion of the event, the teams celebrate at a final destination of your choice: restaurant, bar, park, Cubs game, you name it.

If you think this sounds fun, wait until you experience it for yourself.

Check out our Scavenger Hunt Programs video

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