Operation Backpack gallery

Throw the best charitable events on the planet!

3 Great Ideas for the Best Charitable Events Ever

Planning an event for a cause can be a lot of work. If this task has landed on your plate, then you want to make it one of the best charitable events possible. That’s why we came up with three ideas you can use to inspire your own event.

Do It for the Kids

No matter where your business calls home, there are children in need. Planning a charitable event focused on helping kids is a great way to bring hope to your entire community. Add Bike building to your summer event or host an Operation Backpack event before the upcoming school year. These are just two examples of how your employees can help bring a smile to children’s faces this summer!

Serve Those Who Serve

Recognizing military servicemen and servicewomen is one of the best charitable events, because it fills everyone with pride and honor. It not only feels good to give back to those who serve our country, but it’s a great way to unite your team at the same time. Putting together care packages for active duty personnel or veterans here at home is a positive experience that demonstrates your support.

Pick Your Own Cause

Perhaps your business is currently aligned with a great cause, and you’re looking for a unique way to raise funds or support the organization. Team building or scavenger hunts are some of the best charitable events you can do. Not only will your group have a blast at these events, but you’ll also directly benefit the charity of your choice!

More Great Charitable Event Ideas

Visit our Charitable Events page for even more ideas you can use to plan your next event. We can help with all phases of the planning and execution for the best charitable program you’ve ever experienced.

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